What good is a trade show booth or display if people just walk on by with hardly a glance? You need a trade show display that both shows off your offerings and attracts visitors. Whether you need a full booth or a table-top display, this is not the time to cut corners. You’ll need something well made, easy to set up, easy to take down, and easy to transport.
How to Build Your Trade Show Booth or Display
- Plan in advance. Take the time to think about your booth or display. Don’t leave it to the last minute and then throw something together hastily.
- Research. Research and explore competitors' websites and social media to see what they did with their booths and displays.
- Be Creative. Brainstorm with your team. Encourage a free-flow of ideas. Write them ALL down. Don’t censor yourself or your team members during this creative brainstorm. After a rest, go back to the ideas and pick out the ones that resonate with your team.
- Use giveaways that are fun or useful or unique; but, also require the attendee to participate in a simple game to get the prize. This encourages interaction between your reps and the attendees.
- Conduct an exhibit-themed survey of attendees with a display board tracking the results as they come in. When an attendee passes by your display, ask him if he has filled out the survey, yet? When he says “No” smile and hand him the clipboard. (This works like a gem by getting the “no” out of the way first. If you had simply asked him to fill out the survey, he would have said “no” and walked on.)
- Create a space with some comfy chairs, where tired attendees can sit, have coffee, and recharge.
- Come up with something humorous that has folks bringing their friends to your booth.
- Make sure your graphics are attractive, informative, and compelling.
- Include a video display with a professionally produced and scripted video.
Remember, we're here to help with ...
- Banner Trade Show Booth or Display Stands
- Hanging Trade Show Booth or Display Signs
- Hybrid Trade Show Booths or Displays
- Island Trade Show Booths or Displays
- Pop-up Trade Show Booths or Displays
- Portable Trade Show Booths or Displays
- Shelf Trade Show Booths or Displays
- Table Top Trade Show Displays
Remember, your trade show booth or display must have great design. So be sure to check out our design services.